The energetic, intelligent heart  of today’s 11:11:11 portal is YOU……the human being.

Here’s the audio recording of last evening’s creative exploration of the 11:11:11 portal/stargate/openheart event. About 20 people gathered from across the US, Mexico and the UK by teleconference. The group of souls who participated were ready. It was a pleasure to facilitate. Group coherence was easily established up front and remained consistently in the heart space throughout.

After some brief explanations about the what the 11:11:11 might represent, the mind-blowing synchronicity of its astrology today – full 6 planets at 0 degrees of different signs, and a brief intro about what I’d be facilitating, the highlight of our time together was what happened for/through us during the planet-star-constellation invoking. First time I’ve done this form of ‘astrology’ and I hope not the last! It was a quietly thrilling experience for me.

I’d appreciate any comments about your experience with the event, on the Facebook page:


11:11:11 Astrology chart
(6! bodies at 0 degrees of different signs):

