Chiron & the Open Heart Workshop

Soulsign founder, Adam Gainsburg, here describes the upcoming transformative workshop experience: Chiron & the Open Heart

audio listen


This workshop is for anyone sincerely interested in becoming more authentic in their service to others and the world. By identifying and embracing how we are uniquely wired to unify specific codes of separation in body, speech, heart and mind, our Sacred Wound transforms into a beautiful Sacred Medicine, the kind of prescription only we can fill. 

This workshop is both explanatory and experiential but it is emphasizes the latter. Working practitioners, healers, counselors and supporters will walk away with a deeper self-intimacy and more embracing kindness in their lives overall and certainly in their work with clients. 

Workshop Dates: 

Saturday, June 1 – Carbondale, Colorado, USA

  • Reserve your place EARLY through Davi Nikent founder, Rita Marsh >